This series has been all about deciding where to focus your time and energy. Now you know, thanks to all the work you have done deciding on your priorities and setting SMART goals. Now it is time to get started with that list you have made and start checking things off.
Before you do, take a moment to pause and reflect and remember that you do only have so much time and energy to spare. Why? Because the chances are good that you are going to look at your list of goals and action steps and want to jump right in. You are going to face the temptation to tackle more than one of your action steps at a time.
Do not give in to this temptation. It is strong and hard to resist, but if you do, you are going to be right back where you started before long. Yes, you now have a good list of what to do and when to do it, but guess what? You still only have so much time and energy.
Splitting your attention and your energy will not help you make progress. You will just think you are making progress and get frustrated again.
You must do only one thing at a time if you want to succeed. Multitasking does not work for anyone, especially someone like yourself who is trying to tackle a long list. Start with the first thing in your new plan. Complete it and then move on to the next thing. Repeat until you have finished.
WORK. ON. ONE. THING. AT. A. TIME. You know what that should be doing right now. Focus all your energy on that one thing. Do not so much as skip ahead to investigate things for steps further down on the list.
If you discover that you need to do something for a step further down, such as research, beforehand, revise your plan to pencil in a set time to do the research. Do not split your attention by going back and forth. You must focus to succeed.
You have a limited amount of time, energy, and resources. Now you know precisely where to focus to make the most of all of them. Do so by focusing on one thing at a time. You have a list. You just need to follow it. You can do this! And when you are finished, you will have reached your goals.